WHYY Young Journalists spoke to protestors and community members about the Occupy Ice Protests
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WHYY Young Journalists spoke to protestors and community members about the Occupy Ice Protests
Continue reading »An e-cigarette, short for an electronic cigarette, is a handheld electronic device that simulates the feeling of tobacco smoke. The original purpose of an e-cigarette was to help longtime smokers quit smoking traditional cigarettes. Many …
Continue reading »On Friday, June 7th, 2018 the Philadelphia Police announced a crackdown on teens out past curfew. This may come as a surprise to those unaware of a curfew law in …
Continue reading »At any animal shelter, you would find cats, dogs, turtles, and horses. However, among the animals at the PSPCA on East Erie Avenue, there are children reading to cats. This particular shelter is home …
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